Registration for Athletic Boosters Club

Miramonte Boosters Club
(Supporting all MHS Sports)

Did you know?
  • Nearly 80% of our students are Student Athletes.
  • We have 28 athletic teams at Miramonte.
  • As a group, student athletes at Miramonte have a higher overall GPA than non-student athletes

Athletics are an integral part of the educational program at Miramonte and are designed to have a positive influence on students. The purpose of the Miramonte High School Boosters Club is to enhance and support all Miramonte after school sports programs. We commit over $100,000 each year to accomplish this mission. Miramonte Boosters Club is THE TEAM BEHIND THE TEAMS and membership donations are essential to continue the level of support our sports’ programs and athletes require. The Miramonte Boosters Club is non-profit and all donations are tax deductible. Our goal is 100% participation of all families with student athletes and we have several membership levels which allow flexibility in giving, however, a donation of any amount is always welcome!

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